Designing Easy to use Applications
Woah! You stumbled upon my website. That's pretty cool, this is just a collection of my projects I've created
What the heck have I made then?
Counting App
A What now-
Atlas was my first project, it's a multipurpose Discord bot. On around 40 servers with 9k users. It's just a lot of mini features. This project started in August 2021 and is written entirely in Python and uses Pycord. This is how I started programming and got into it. I had a lot of fun.
Counting App was purely an introduction to iOS and was just me exploring what I could do from a very basic level. But hey I made it onto the app store. I might update it, might not who knows
Reciprocity? That's my current project. This was kinda like a goal app I had in mind when starting to make iOS and woah! I did it. And I learned a crap ton of stuff in the process :D I think there's always this kind of distance between people and communication can shorten that distance but all communication is text-based, why not simplify it? You wanna send yo partner a hug? Heck yeah, you can do that. It's simple and effective